Saturday, July 7, 2007

basking in the light - V

we were assembled in guruji's kutiya discussing the plans for the ceos' seminar that was being planned in mumbai. anil sachdevji was visiting from delhi and he was to be one of the speakers along with guruji for this program.

towards the end of the discussion a gentleman entered the kutiya. he was wearing a tie and looked like a senior person from some corporate. anilji then introduced him to guruji as one of the directors in one of the large indian corporate giants. after exchanging pleasantries, anilji mentioned an interesting anecdote which was the reason the gentleman had arrived there that morning.

on one of his previous visits to the ashram, after anilji had met guruji and was on his way back to his hotel after taking prasad from guruji, he noticed that this above-mentioned gentleman's cell-phone number had inexplicably appeared on his (anilji's) cell-phone. he took this as a sign that there must be some reason for this and decided to drop into this gentleman's office which was just a stone's throw away.

when he reached his office, the gentleman informed him that he had dropped into office only for a couple of hours and was now about to leave to accompany his wife to the hospital for her chemo-therapy since she was afflicted with cancer. anilji immediately gave him the prasad which he had received and asked the gentleman to give it to his wife and that it would give her some solace & strength.

the gentleman did give the prasad to his wife and this act had a great impact on this lady.

many months later, when anilji informed this gentleman that he was going to be in mumbai and that he could drop into the ashram in case he wanted to meet guruji. the gentleman's wife wanted him to go and meet guruji.

the gentleman, being a very senior official, had a very important meeting that same morning and he had forgotten this directive once he got into the meeting. he then received an sms from his wife reminding him to go and meet guruji. he then decided that he had to meet guruji and decided to come to the ashram.

guruji heard this narrative patiently and then enquired about her health and progress of the treatment. he then asked him to visit the ashram and meet at leisure and to bring his wife along too.

this simple act of love and caring by guruji won the gentleman's heart and he left shortly. it was obvious that he would soon return!

- sandeepany sadhanalaya, 12th june 2007

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